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Please feel welcome to add to the knowledge in this WIKI ... if you see an error you can correct, a gap you can fill, or there's something (useful to others) you need to get off your chest ... just click Edit or New (top of every page), authenticate with a GitHub, Google or OpenID (you've got one of those right? if not; create one) and start contributing.

It's worth spending ten minutes reading about Markdown and experimenting with it - because it's what's used to format this site (hint: try the Basics or click the ? button up there at the top of the page).

Corrections are simple, just pick Edit and get on with it ...

But if you've something new to say things get a little trickier;

  1. firstly; this WIKI currently has no defined directory-structure or file-naming convention or anyone to police it ... as it grows that's going to be a problem ... hence please have a thought to the future, click Files and see if there's somewhere relevant to create your new page in directly, or somewhere to hang a new directory to contain it.
  2. then; create your new file i.e. click New and, with an eye on where you decided it was appropriate to put it, give it a path and a file-name e.g.;

    Bad ideas;

    • the inner working of the lexer (spaces; everyone over the age of 12 hates spaces)
    • the_inner_workings_of_the_lexer (still a bad idea; complex information in the root directory)
    • /lexr/inner_workings (there was already a 'lexer' directory right?, now there's two; lexr and lexer)

    Better ideas;

    • uPy/lexer/inner_workings (others can add pages at the uPy and lexer levels)

    Note 1: either \ or / can be used to separate directories and files

    Note 2: directories in your path don't need to exist ... they'll be created if they don't

  3. fill your page with your own words; but please click Preview regularly and check things look OK, review what you've written and do try to be short, clear and concise (reading out-loud often helps mitigate obvious issues).

  4. when you're happy with your new content; Save it

  5. and then; help people find it ... create a link to it from (an appropriate) existing page ...

    • Edit the existing page
    • add a link i.e. description e.g.lexer magic to the body of the page
    • Save it ... now everyone can get to your new page

    Congratulations, you've made your first contribution to the community.