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As of writing the pyboard / pyb-module does not directly support Pulsed Width Modulation (PWM) required for fun with led's, rgb led's and dcmotor's etc., this python module botches PWM on a subset of Pins that are capable of it and can be used as a temporary workaround.


>>> import pwm
>>> py3 = pwm.PWM(pyb.Pin.board.Y3)
>>> py3.duty(255)   #3.3v
>>> py3.duty(0)     #0v
>>> py3.duty(255/2) #somewhere in between
>>> py3.duty()      #return current duty

known limitations

  • only tested as supporting pwm on Pins Y3, Y4, Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10, X1, X2, X3, X4, X9 and X10
  • cannot initialise pwm on any Pin that required Timer 3
  • probably you can't use all possible pin combinations concurrently, however;
    • there are a number of different timer/channels associated with a subset of pins
    • by default pwm will try to use the first timer-channel/afmode available for the specified pin

In certain cases you can force the pwm module to use an alternative timer-channel/afmode;

  • first look up the 'cpu name' of the desired Pin; which returns 'B8' (Pin 8 on GPIOB)

  • then check __PIN_TIMERS for Pin 'B8';

    'B8': { 0b0010: ( 4,3), 0b0011: (10,1) }, \

  • pwm will by default have selected to use afmode 2 (0b0010) for the Pin i.e. Timer 4 Channel 3

  • you can force pwm to use afmode 2 (0b0011) i.e. Timer 10 Channel 1 if you suspect a conflict;

    py3 = pwm.PWM(pyb.Pin.board.Y3, afmode=0b0011)

the module

import pyb, stm

#as pwm is configured 0-3.3v is 0-10000
# used to truncate to 0-255;
# change if you need finer resolution

#for each pin name
# list of possible pwm available alt fn's
# and corresponding timer/channel
__PIN_TIMERS  = { \
  'A0':   { 0b0010: ( 5,1) }, \
  'A1':   { 0b0001: ( 2,2), 0b0010: ( 5,2) }, \
  'A2':   { 0b0001: ( 2,3), 0b0010: ( 5,3), 0b0011: ( 9,1) }, \
  'A3':   { 0b0001: ( 2,4), 0b0010: ( 5,4), 0b0011: ( 9,2) }, \
  'A6':   { 0b1001: (13,1), 0b0010: ( 3,1) }, \
  'A7':   { 0b1001: (14,1), 0b0010: ( 3,2) }, \
  'A8':   { 0b0001: ( 1,1) }, \
  'A9':   { 0b0001: ( 1,2) }, \
  'A10':  { 0b0001: ( 1,3) }, \
  'A11':  { 0b0001: ( 1,4) }, \
  'B0':   { 0b0010: ( 3,3) }, \
  'B1':   { 0b0010: ( 3,4) }, \
  'B3':   { 0b0001: ( 2,2) }, \
  'B4':   { 0b0010: ( 3,1) }, \
  'B5':   { 0b0010: ( 3,2) }, \
  'B6':   { 0b0010: ( 4,1) }, \
  'B7':   { 0b0010: ( 4,2) }, \
  'B8':   { 0b0010: ( 4,3), 0b0011: (10,1) }, \
  'B9':   { 0b0010: ( 4,4), 0b0011: (11,1) }, \
  'B10':  { 0b0001: ( 2,3) }, \
  'B11':  { 0b0001: ( 2,4) }, \
  'B14':  { 0b1001: (12,1) }, \
  'B15':  { 0b1001: (12,2) }, \
  'C6':   { 0b0011: ( 8,1), 0b0010: ( 3,1) }, \
  'C7':   { 0b0011: ( 8,2), 0b0010: ( 3,2) }, \
  'C8':   { 0b0011: ( 8,3), 0b0010: ( 3,3)  }, \
  'C9':   { 0b0011: ( 8,4), 0b0010: ( 3,4) }, \
  'D12':  { 0b0010: ( 4,1) }, \
  'D13':  { 0b0010: ( 4,2) }, \
  'D14':  { 0b0010: ( 4,3) }, \
  'D15':  { 0b0010: ( 4,4) }, \
  'E5':   { 0b0011: ( 9,1) }, \
  'E6':   { 0b0011: ( 9,2) }, \
  'E9':   { 0b0001: ( 1,1) }, \
  'E11':  { 0b0001: ( 1,2) }, \
  'E13':  { 0b0001: ( 1,3) }, \
  'E14':  { 0b0001: ( 1,4) }, \
  'F6':   { 0b0011: (10,1) }, \
  'F7':   { 0b0011: (11,1) }, \
  'F8':   { 0b1001: (13,1) }, \
  'F9':   { 0b1001: (14,1) }, \
  'H9':   { 0b1001: (12,2) }, \
  'H10':  { 0b0010: ( 5,1) }, \
  'H11':  { 0b0010: ( 5,2) }, \
  'H12':  { 0b0010: ( 5,3) }, \
  'H6':   { 0b1001: (12,1) }, \
  'I0':   { 0b0010: ( 5,4) }, \
  'I2':   { 0b0011: ( 8,4) } \

class PWM:
  """dirty Pulse Width Modulation class"""

  def __init__(self, pin, afmode=None):
    if not in __PIN_TIMERS:
      raise ValueError('Pin does not support pwm')
    if afmode == None:
      #select the first timer in the dictionary
      pwm_afmode = list(__PIN_TIMERS[].keys())[0]
      pwm_afmode = afmode
    if not pwm_afmode in __PIN_TIMERS[]:
      raise ValueError('Pin does not support afmode {0}'.format(bin(afmode)))      = pin
    self.gpio     = eval('stm.GPIO{0}'.format([0]))
    pwm_pin       = int([1:])
    pwm_timer_no  = __PIN_TIMERS[][pwm_afmode][0]
    pwm_timer_ch  = __PIN_TIMERS[][pwm_afmode][1]

    #setup gpio
    #set alternate fn mode, before setting pin to alternate function
    if pwm_pin < 7:
      stm.mem32[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_AFR0]   |= pwm_afmode << (pwm_pin * 4)
    elif pwm_pin == 7:
      #avoid potential overflow on 32nd bit being set
      stm.mem8[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_AFR0 + 3]   |= pwm_afmode << 4
    elif pwm_pin < 15:
      stm.mem32[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_AFR1]   |= pwm_afmode << ((pwm_pin - 8) * 4)
    elif pwm_pin == 15:
      #avoid potential overflow on 32nd bit being set
      stm.mem8[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_AFR1 + 3]   |= pwm_afmode << 4

    if pwm_pin < 15:
      stm.mem32[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_MODER]       |= 0b10 << (pwm_pin * 2)
      stm.mem32[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_OSPEEDR]     |= 0b10 << (pwm_pin * 2)
    elif pwm_pin == 15:
      stm.mem8[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_MODER + 3]    |= 0b10 << 6
      stm.mem8[self.gpio + stm.GPIO_OSPEEDR + 3]  |= 0b10 << 6

    #setup timer
    #TODO: work out how to init timer directly, so can use reserved ones TIM3
    pyb.Timer(pwm_timer_no).init(freq=5)    #use pyb module to kickstart the timer
    pwm_timer                               =  eval('stm.TIM{0}'.format(pwm_timer_no))
    self.__pwm_duty                         =  pwm_timer + eval('stm.TIM_CCR{0}'.format(pwm_timer_ch))
    stm.mem32[self.__pwm_duty]              =  0       #make sure duty is 0
    stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_ARR]      =  9999    #replicate damiens's prescalar, period
    stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_PSC]      =  83      #gives 10,000 steps between 0 and 3.3v
    stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_DIER]     |= 0b1
    stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_SR]       |= 0b11110 #sets all channel interupt flags
    if pwm_timer_ch <= 2:
      stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_CCMR1]  |= 0b01101000 << ((pwm_timer_ch - 1) * 8)
      stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_CCMR2]  |= 0b01101000 << ((pwm_timer_ch - 3) * 8)
    stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_CCER]     |= 0b1 << ((pwm_timer_ch -1) * 4)
    stm.mem32[pwm_timer + stm.TIM_DMAR]     |= 0b1

  def duty(self, value=None):
    if value == None:
      return int( stm.mem32[self.__pwm_duty] / 10000 * RESOLUTION )
      if value > RESOLUTION: value = RESOLUTION
      if value < 0:   value = 0
      stm.mem32[self.__pwm_duty] = int(value / RESOLUTION * 10000)