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The Bluetooth module HC05 is available in the Micro Python Store.
Most of the content on this page was derived from Turbinenreiter's forum post
The physical pins of the UART busses are:
UART(4) is on XA: (TX, RX) = (X1, X2) = (PA0, PA1)
UART(1) is on XB: (TX, RX) = (X9, X10) = (PB6, PB7)
UART(6) is on YA: (TX, RX) = (Y1, Y2) = (PC6, PC7)
UART(3) is on YB: (TX, RX) = (Y9, Y10) = (PB10, PB11)
UART(2) is on: (TX, RX) = (X3, X4) = (PA2, PA3)
Connect the module to the pyboard as shown in the table below. Note: Connect the TX pin from the HC05 to the RX pin on the pyboard, and the RX pin from the HC05 to the TX pin on the pyboard.
pyb | hc05
3V3 | VCC
No custom modules are required, use the UART module:
from pyb import UART
uart = UART(1, 9600) # init with given baudrate
uart.init(9600, bits=8, stop=1, parity=None) # init with given parameters
Then use the following to send the REPL to the UART you created above
Add Bluetooth Device enter pin 1234
Bluetooth - Set up new device - choose the device - Pin options '1234' - Next. Get the modules MAC address:
hcitool scan
Add the serial port by editing the file: /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
rfcomm0 {
bind no;
device MAC address of your module;
channel 1;
comment "Serial Port";
Then connect it with:
sudo rfcomm connect 0
Watch it with:
screen /dev/rfcomm0
Last edited by Bingyu Zhou, 2017-06-03 12:32:42