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STMHAL Timer C Source


There are 14 Timers (1-14) each attached to one of two peripheral clocks, the speed of which is held in the last two values in pyb.freq().

Return the speed of a timer;

def tim_clockspeed(tim):
  if tim in [1,8,9,10,11]:
    return pyb.freq()[3]
  elif tim in [2,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,14]:
    return pyb.freq()[2]
    raise ValueError('Invalid timer number specified')

the Timer peripheral base addresses

TIM1 On Peripheral APB2 = Clock 2 = 84MHz = 84000000Hz = pyb.freq()[3]

TIM2 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM3 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM4 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM5 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM6 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM7 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM8 On Peripheral APB2 = Clock 2 = 84MHz = 84000000Hz = pyb.freq()[3]

TIM9 On Peripheral APB2 = Clock 2 = 84MHz = 84000000Hz = pyb.freq()[3]

TIM10 On Peripheral APB2 = Clock 2 = 84MHz = 84000000Hz = pyb.freq()[3]

TIM11 On Peripheral APB2 = Clock 2 = 84MHz = 84000000Hz = pyb.freq()[3]

TIM12 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM13 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

TIM14 On Peripheral APB1 = Clock 1 = 42MHz = 42,000,000Hz = pyb.freq()[2]

the Timer peripheral offsets

TIM_CR1 Control Register 1 (32bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

CEN     0x0001  0b0000000001        Counter enable       
UDIS    0x0002  0b0000000010        Update disable       
URS     0x0004  0b0000000100        Update request source
OPM     0x0008  0b0000001000        One pulse mode       
DIR     0x0010  0b0000010000        Direction            
CMS     0x0060  0b0001100000        CMS[1:0] bits (Center-aligned mode selection)
ARPE    0x0080  0b0010000000        Auto-reload preload enable    
CKD     0x0300  0b1100000000        CKD[1:0] bits (clock division)

This is set to 1 on initialised timers, including LED4, toggling it on a generic timer with callback stops/starts the callback, setting it to zero on TIM3 with pwm running crashes the board ... but both pwm on LED(4) and callbacks on other times still run)

TIM_CR2 Control Register 2 (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

CCPC    0x0001  0b000000000000001   Capture/Compare Preloaded Control       
CCUS    0x0004  0b000000000000010   Capture/Compare Control Update Selection
CCDS    0x0008  0b000000000001000   Capture/Compare DMA Selection           
MMS     0x0070  0b000000001110000   MMS[2:0] bits (Master Mode Selection)
TI1S    0x0080  0b000000010000000   TI1 Selection
OIS1    0x0100  0b000000100000000   Output Idle state 1 (OC1 output) 
OIS1N   0x0200  0b000001000000000   Output Idle state 1 (OC1N output)
OIS2    0x0400  0b000010000000000   Output Idle state 2 (OC2 output) 
OIS2N   0x0800  0b000100000000000   Output Idle state 2 (OC2N output)
OIS3    0x1000  0b001000000000000   Output Idle state 3 (OC3 output) 
OIS3N   0x2000  0b010000000000000   Output Idle state 3 (OC3N output)
OIS4    0x4000  0b100000000000000   Output Idle state 4 (OC4 output) 

TIM_SMCR Slave Mode Control Register (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

SMS     0x0007  0b0000000000000111  SMS[2:0] bits (Slave mode selection)   
TS      0x0070  0b0000000011100000  TS[2:0] bits (Trigger selection)       
MSM     0x0080  0b0000000010000000  Master/slave mode                      
ETF     0x0F00  0b0000111100000000  ETF[3:0] bits (External trigger filter)
ETPS    0x3000  0b0011000000000000  ETPS[1:0] bits (External trigger prescaler)
ECE     0x4000  0b0100000000000000  External clock enable    
ETP     0x8000  0b1000000000000000  External trigger polarity

Not found to be set on any investigated use case ...

TIM_DIER DMA/Interrupt enable register (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

UIE     0x0001  0b000000000000001   Update interrupt enable
CC1IE   0x0002  0b000000000000010   Capture/Compare 1 interrupt enable  
CC2IE   0x0004  0b000000000000100   Capture/Compare 2 interrupt enable  
CC3IE   0x0008  0b000000000001000   Capture/Compare 3 interrupt enable  
CC4IE   0x0010  0b000000000010000   Capture/Compare 4 interrupt enable  
COMIE   0x0020  0b000000000100000   COM interrupt enable                
TIE     0x0040  0b000000001000000   Trigger interrupt enable            
BIE     0x0080  0b000000010000000   Break interrupt enable              
UDE     0x0100  0b000000100000000   Update DMA request enable           
CC1DE   0x0200  0b000001000000000   Capture/Compare 1 DMA request enable
CC2DE   0x0400  0b000010000000000   Capture/Compare 2 DMA request enable
CC3DE   0x0800  0b000100000000000   Capture/Compare 3 DMA request enable
CC4DE   0x1000  0b001000000000000   Capture/Compare 4 DMA request enable
COMDE   0x2000  0b010000000000000   COM DMA request enable              
TDE     0x4000  0b100000000000000   Trigger DMA request enable          

appears to affect calling of callback, first bit of both TIM_DIER and TIM_DMAR for a Timer must be set(1) for the callback to be called. When a Timer is initialised via uPy pyb module t4=pyb.Timer(4).init(freq=5) this fields value is initially 0, when a callback is initialised l4.callback(lambda t:pyb.LED(1).toggle()) it's set to 1. Can switch the callback on and off by setting this value e.g. Off: stm.mem32[stm.TIM4+stm.TIM_DIER]=0 and On: stm.mem32[stm.TIM4+stm.TIM_DIER]=1

TIM_SR Status Register (32bit - Read Only) - a field-mask value, fields;

UIF     0x0001  0b0000000000001     Update interrupt Flag             
CC1IF   0x0002  0b0000000000010     Capture/Compare 1 interrupt Flag  
CC2IF   0x0004  0b0000000000100     Capture/Compare 2 interrupt Flag  
CC3IF   0x0008  0b0000000001000     Capture/Compare 3 interrupt Flag  
CC4IF   0x0010  0b0000000010000     Capture/Compare 4 interrupt Flag  
COMIF   0x0020  0b0000000100000     COM interrupt Flag                
TIF     0x0040  0b0000001000000     Trigger interrupt Flag            
BIF     0x0080  0b0000010000000     Break interrupt Flag              
CC1OF   0x0200  0b0001000000000     Capture/Compare 1 Overcapture Flag
CC2OF   0x0400  0b0010000000000     Capture/Compare 2 Overcapture Flag
CC3OF   0x0800  0b0100000000000     Capture/Compare 3 Overcapture Flag
CC4OF   0x1000  0b1000000000000     Capture/Compare 4 Overcapture Flag

appears to have some relation to the clock the timer is attached to (once timer init'd via uPy pyb module), does a value of;

  • 30 indicate APB2 @ 84MHz, and;
  • 31 indicate = APB1 @ 42MHz

TIM_EGR Event Generation Register (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

UG      0x01    0b00000001      Update Generation                        
CC1G    0x02    0b00000010      Capture/Compare 1 Generation             
CC2G    0x04    0b00000100      Capture/Compare 2 Generation             
CC3G    0x08    0b00001000      Capture/Compare 3 Generation             
CC4G    0x10    0b00010000      Capture/Compare 4 Generation             
COMG    0x20    0b00100000      Capture/Compare Control Update Generation
TG      0x40    0b01000000      Trigger Generation                       
BG      0x80    0b10000000      Break Generation                         

TIM_CCMR1 Capture/Compare Mode register 1 (32 bit) - a field-mask value, the settings of some bit pairs (CC1S and CC2S) determine the meaning of the balance bits (there are two conflicting sets of masks defined for the balance bits);

Bit Block 1:

CC1S    0x0003  0b0000000000000011  [1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 1 Selection)

Depending on the value of CC1S the next 6 bits are either interpreted using these masks;

OC1FE   0x0004  0b0000000000000100  Output Compare 1 Fast enable                
OC1PE   0x0008  0b0000000000001000  Output Compare 1 Preload enable             
OC1M    0x0070  0b0000000001110000  [2:0] bits (Output Compare 1 Mode)      
OC1CE   0x0080  0b0000000010000000  Output Compare 1 Clear Enable                

Or these;

IC1PSC  0x000C  0b0000000000001100  [1:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Prescaler)
IC1F    0x00F0  0b0000000011110000  [3:0] bits (Input Capture 1 Filter)     

Bit Block 2:

CC2S    0x0300  0b0000001100000000  [1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 2 Selection)

Depending on the value of CC2S the next 6 bits are either interpreted using these masks;

OC2FE   0x0400  0b0000010000000000  Output Compare 2 Fast enable                
OC2PE   0x0800  0b0000100000000000  Output Compare 2 Preload enable             
OC2M    0x7000  0b0111000000000000  [2:0] bits (Output Compare 2 Mode)      
OC2CE   0x8000  0b1000000000000000  Output Compare 2 Clear Enable

Or these;

IC2PSC  0x0C00  0b0000110000000000  [1:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Prescaler) 
IC2F    0xF000  0b1111000000000000  [3:0] bits (Input Capture 2 Filter)  

TIM_CCMR2 Capture/Compare Mode Register 2 (32bit) - a field-mask value, the settings of some bit pairs (CC1S and CC3S and CC4S) determine the meaning of the balance bits (there are two conflicting sets of masks defined for the balance bits);

Bit Block 1:

CC3S    0x0003  0b0000000000000011  CC3S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 3 Selection) 

Depending on the value of CC3S the next 6 bits are either interpreted using these masks;

OC3FE   0x0004  0b0000000000000100  Output Compare 3 Fast enable          
OC3PE   0x0008  0b0000000000001000  Output Compare 3 Preload enable       
OC3M    0x0070  0b0000000001110000  OC3M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 3 Mode)
OC3CE   0x0080  0b0000000010000000  Output Compare 3 Clear Enable

Or these;

IC3PSC  0x000C  0b0000000000001100  IC3PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Prescaler)
IC3F    0x00F0  0b0000000011110000  IC3F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 3 Filter)

Bit Block 2:

CC4S    0x0300  0b0000001100000000  CC4S[1:0] bits (Capture/Compare 4 Selection)

Depending on the value of CC4S the next 6 bits are either interpreted using these masks;

OC4FE   0x0400  0b0000010000000000  Output Compare 4 Fast enable   
OC4PE   0x0800  0b0000100000000000  Output Compare 4 Preload enable
OC4M    0x7000  0b0111000000000000  OC4M[2:0] bits (Output Compare 4 Mode)
OC4CE   0x8000  0b1000000000000000  Output Compare 4 Clear Enable

Or these;

IC4PSC  0x0C00  0b0000110000000000  IC4PSC[1:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Prescaler)
IC4F    0xF000  0b1111000000000000  IC4F[3:0] bits (Input Capture 4 Filter)

TIM_CCER Capture/Compare Enable Register (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

CC1E    0x0001  0b000000000000001   Capture/Compare 1 output enable                
CC1P    0x0002  0b000000000000010   Capture/Compare 1 output Polarity              
CC1NE   0x0004  0b000000000000100   Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output enable  
CC1NP   0x0008  0b000000000001000   Capture/Compare 1 Complementary output Polarity
CC2E    0x0010  0b000000000010000   Capture/Compare 2 output enable                
CC2P    0x0020  0b000000000100000   Capture/Compare 2 output Polarity              
CC2NE   0x0040  0b000000001000000   Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output enable  
CC2NP   0x0080  0b000000010000000   Capture/Compare 2 Complementary output Polarity
CC3E    0x0100  0b000000100000000   Capture/Compare 3 output enable                
CC3P    0x0200  0b000001000000000   Capture/Compare 3 output Polarity              
CC3NE   0x0400  0b000010000000000   Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output enable  
CC3NP   0x0800  0b000100000000000   Capture/Compare 3 Complementary output Polarity
CC4E    0x1000  0b001000000000000   Capture/Compare 4 output enable                
CC4P    0x2000  0b010000000000000   Capture/Compare 4 output Polarity              
CC4NP   0x8000  0b100000000000000   0Capture/Compare 4 Complementary output Polarity

This is set to 1 on TIM3 associated with pwm'able LED4, but set to 0 on generic initialised Timer's, set/unsetting it switches LED4 on/off .. has no affect on generic callback timers

TIM_CNT Counter Register (32bit) - the value the timer has counted to at the point in time it's read, can also be reset i.e. to restart the clock, interesting possibilities for setting in a callback?

TIM_PSC Prescalar Register (32 bit) holds the Timers Prescalar value, which coupled with TIM_ARR (it's Period) define the clocks frequency. Period, prescalar and source clock speed define the time it takes for timer to 'wrap' to zero (optionally triggering an interrupt).

Calculate appropriate prescalar and period values for any given frequency mimicking the C code in the pyb.Timer module source;

def calc(timer, freq):
  if timer in [1,8,9,10,11]:
    clk_speed = pyb.freq()[3]
  elif timer in [2,3,4,5,6,7,12,13,14]:
    clk_speed = pyb.freq()[2]
  period = max(1, int(2 * clk_speed / freq))
  prescalar = 1
  while period > 0xffff:
    period >>= 1
    prescalar <<= 1
  prescalar -= 1
  period -= 1
  return (prescalar, period)

TIM_ARR Auto Reload Register (aka PERIOD) (32 bit) - refer notes under TIM_PSC above.

TIM_RCR Repition Counter Register (32bit) not set in any investigated use case ...

TIM_CCR1, TIM_CCR2, TIM_CCR3, TIM_CCR4 Capture/Compare Registers 1-4 (32bit)

for LED4 attached to TIM3.TIM_CCR1 this controls the duty-cycle of the PWM signal

TIM_BDTR Break and Dead-Time Register (32 bit - Read Only) - a field-mask value, fields;

DTG     0x00FF  0b0000000011111111  [0:7] bits (Dead-Time Generator set-up)
LOCK    0x0300  0b0000001100000000  LOCK[1:0] bits (Lock Configuration)
OSSI    0x0400  0b0000010000000000  Off-State Selection for Idle mode
OSSR    0x0800  0b0000100000000000  Off-State Selection for Run mode 
BKE     0x1000  0b0001000000000000  Break enable                     
BKP     0x2000  0b0010000000000000  Break Polarity                   
AOE     0x4000  0b0100000000000000  Automatic Output enable          
MOE     0x8000  0b1000000000000000  Main Output enable               

TIM_DCR DMA Control Register (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

DBA     0x001F  0b0000000011111     DBA[4:0] bits (DMA Base Address)
DBL     0x1F00  0b1111100000000     DBL[4:0] bits (DMA Burst Length)

TIM_DMAR DMA Address for Full Transfer (DMA register for burst access) (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

affects calling of callback, TIM_DIER = TIM_DMAR = 1 for callback to run, set to 1 when timer init'd (and not changed by uPy pyb module when callback attached);

  • 1 - call callback?
  • 0 - don't call callback?

TIM_OR Option Register (32 bit) - a field-mask value, fields;

TI4_RMP 0x00C0  0b000011000000  [1:0] bits (TIM5 Input 4 remap)            
ITR1_RMP    0x0C00  0b110000000000  [1:0] bits (TIM2 Internal trigger 1 remap)